12 Essentials Factors of OnPage SEO :Beginners Guide


What is OnPage SEO?

OnPage Optimization is the process of changing our website according to google guidelines in order to rank our website at the top. It includes optimizing the content on the website to improve rankings and user experience.

On page Seo focuses on code, content, and user experience.

The 12 Elements you need to focus on are:

  1. Domain Name
  2. Title Tag
  3. Internal links
  4. Https
  5. Meta Tags
  6. Image optimization
  7. Keywords
  8. Content
  9. Schema
  10. Url
  11. Heading
  12. code

Domain Name:

a) Domain names with keywords can rank better in a low competitive industry
b)  Location-based extensions rank better in that location like .in for India. If (.com) isn’t available then go for  (.in).
c) older domains rank faster than newer domains.


HTTPS stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure. That lock icon you see in front of every website (refers to encryption between the user and browser . No third party can involve). It is one of the  SEO factors that Google prefers. 

URL Optimization

 You should keep the target keyword in the URL.

Ex: For this blog post my target keyword is (best Seo techniques).
Keep in mind that no spaces are used. Instead use symbols – or_ between keywords.


Every page should have one focus keyword and other related keywords. Consider you are doing keyword research for a hospital that offers services like ENT, dental, Skin, Neurology, etc. Then you should consider each service and get keywords for each service separately.OnPage SEO clearly depends on Quality Content and keywords.
Keyword Density is % of the keyword used in the content. Recommended keyword density is 1- 4%.
You can use the SEOQuake tool to see keyword Density and also short, medium, and long tail keywords.

  • Use at least one <h1> tag.
  • Use target keywords.
  • Use Multiple <h2>,<h3> tags.
  • Use Semantic /Related Keywords.

We need to integrate the main keywords and other keywords across the entire page. You can use bold tags for important keywords and highlight text. While writing an article You need to keep an eye on spelling mistakes.

Image Optimization.

Image Optimization – our image will appear in search results. Traffic can be bought through images. In order to do this use the Image name as a keyword and give an “alt” tag. The crawler cannot understand the image so it reads the alt tag and knows what the image is about. That is why it is important to give an alt tag.

Internal Links

When one article is ranking on the top then linking the other articles to this page can bring traffic to the unranking pages.

We need to focus on one niche and start writing articles and linking to each other.

EAT update – Google EAT update focuses on expertise, authority, and trustworthiness.


Use schemas so that part of the content appears on the top.

Types of Schemas.

  • Review Schema -Displaying ratings in Search Engine.
  • FAQ’S Schema- Displaying question and Answer.
  • Event Schema and VideoObject.

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